
“You sound sexy”: Watch Kid Rock once again prove to be one of the most cringeworthy rockers on the planet as he attempts to flirt with a BBC News reporter during a live TV interview – Louder

  1. “You sound sexy”: Watch Kid Rock once again prove to be one of the most cringeworthy rockers on the planet as he attempts to flirt with a BBC News reporter during a live TV interview  Louder
  2. Kid Rock uses inauguration interview to hit on reporter: ‘You sound sexy!’  New York Post
  3. ‘You Sound Sexy’: Kid Rock’s Attempt to Flirt With BBC Host Derails Interview  The Daily Beast
  4. Kid Rock Hits on Reporter During Inauguration Broadcast—’You Sound Sexy’  Newsweek
  5. Kid Rock Derails Inauguration Day Interview By Hitting On BBC Presenter  Yahoo! Voices